Shire of Meekatharra - Road Conditions Report

The below conditions are current as at: 10th February, 2025, 7:30 am.

Next Review: to be advised

Beringarra Mt Gould Road (Murchison Shire Boundary) OPEN OPEN Refer to Shire of Murchison Website for conditions past Meekatharra boundary
Gabanintha-Nannine Rd OPEN OPEN

With extreme caution at all floodways 

Jigalong Mission Road


With extreme caution at all floodways  

Landor-Meekatharra Rd (to Upper Gascoyne Shire Boundary) OPEN OPEN

Refer to Shire of Upper Gascoyne Website for conditions past Meekatharra boundary

Mingah Springs Rd OPEN CLOSED

Permanently Closed to Trucks

Mount Clere Rd (to Upper Gascoyne Shire Boundary) OPEN OPEN

Refer to Shire of Upper Gascoyne Website for conditions past Meekatharra boundary

Mount Hale (Judal)-Mileura Rd CLOSED CLOSED Permanently Closed 
Murchison Downs Rd OPEN CLOSED With extreme caution at all floodways 
Peak Hill-Three Rivers Rd OPEN CLOSED

Permanently Closed to Trucks

Pingandy Rd OPEN OPEN Refer to Shire of Upper Gascoyne Website for conditions past Meekatharra boundary OPEN WITH CAUTION.
Sandstone-Meekatharra Rd (to Sandstone Shire Boundary) OPEN OPEN

Refer to Shire of Sandstone for conditions past Meekatharra boundary 

Sylvania Rd

OPEN OPEN With extreme caution at all floodways 
Turee Creek Rd OPEN OPEN With extreme caution at all floodways
Wiluna North Rd (to Wiluna Shire Boundary) OPEN OPEN

Refer to Wiluna Shire for conditions past Meekatharra Boundary

Woodlands-Mount Augustus Rd (to Upper Gascoyne Shire Boundary) OPEN OPEN

OPEN With extreme caution at all floodways

Youno Downs Rd - Hillview Rd(to Wiluna Shire Boundary)  OPEN OPEN Refer to Wiluna Shire for conditions past Meekatharra Boundary

Ashburton Downs-Meekatharra Rd from Great Northern Highway to...

Yulga Jinna Community Road OPEN OPEN

YULGA JINNA Closed to Public Access

Fortnum Mine Site OPEN OPEN Extreme Caution at Floodways
Abra Mine Site OPEN OPEN

Extreme Caution at Floodways

Shire of Ashburton Boundary OPEN OPEN

Refer to Shire of Ashburton for conditions past Meekatharra boundary 

For roads not listed please contact the Shire of Meekatharra on: 08 9980 0600

GOLDFIELDS HIGHWAY (Meekatharra to Wiluna to Kalgoorlie) & GREAT NORTHERN HIGHWAY

Contact Main Roads WA for information:


Shire of Meekatharra Office Hours - 9980 0600 Shire of Meekatharra (Emergencies Only) -
0409 115 586
Shire of Ashburton - 9188 4444 Shire of Cue - 9963 8600
Shire of Sandstone - 9963 5802 Shire of Wiluna - 9981 8000
Shire of East Pilbara - 9175 8000 Shire of Murchison - 9963 7999
Main Roads Kalgoorlie - 138 138 / 9080 1400 Shire of Upper Gascoyne - 9943 0988