Petition in Relation to Sealing of the Remainder of the Goldfields Highway Meekatharra Wiluna Road
Published on Thursday, 9 February 2023 at 10:46:43 AM

The Shire’s of Meekatharra and Wiluna have jointly prepared a Petition to the WA Parliament Legislative Council to initiate a parliamentary inquiry into the sealing of the remaining section of the unsealed Goldfields Highway without delay.
Both Shire’s have long held concerns that the remaining unsealed gravel section of the State Goldfields Highway (Meekatharra Wiluna Road) continues to create road safety issues to both the travelling community and freight transport operators.
The Petition can be signed in hard copy form available at both the Shire’s of Meekatharra and Wiluna administration offices as well as business premises in the town, and by ePetition which obtains signatures through the process of joining a petition. The following link provides the details of signing an ePetition;$All)/143E3C51FDCC9A1B482589500023FC57?opendocument
Both Shire Presidents of Meekatharra and Wiluna urge every user of the Goldfields Highway Meekatharra Wiluna Road, whether from the local community, the regional area or frequent travellers of the road, or any person interested in maintaining the safety standards of our regional road network to sign the Petition and show their support.
For further information please contact the Shire of Meekatharra Chief Executive Officer, Kelvin Matthews on 9980 0600 or Mob: 0417 989076, and the Shire of Wiluna Chief Executive Officer, Gary Gaffney on 9981 8000 or Mob: 0417 141877.
KJ Matthews
Chief Executive Officer