Proposal to Impose Diffferential Rates
Published on Thursday, 6 July 2023 at 10:23:06 AM

In accordance with section 6.36 of the Local Government Act 1995 notice is hereby given that the Shire of Meekatharra proposes to again differentially rate mining tenements and pastoral holdings in those areas in which unimproved property values apply.
It is anticipated that rating levels for the 2023/24 year will be 9.3314 cents in the dollar for all gross rental valued properties, 19.19 cents in the dollar for mining tenements and 8.9250 cents in the dollar for pastoral leases. A minimum rate of $400 can be expected on GRV properties whilst all other ratable properties can expect a minimum rate of $400. The objects and reasons for each proposed rate may be inspected at the Shire Office, Main St, Meekatharra during normal office hours.
Submissions from electors and ratepayers about the proposed rates or minimum payments and any related matters may be made to the undersigned at the below stated address by 4pm on Monday 31 July 2023.
Kelvin Matthews
Chief Executive Officer